Power Simulator -- Updated 2021/5/14
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This page is an archive of a game we created three years ago. Some of the tools
required to play broke and we have moved on to other things. But it was a cool concept
and it could be made again in the future if people wanted to recreate it with tools
that aren't broken lol.
:: F.O.B. ::
This is the forward operating base for the Gov-Sim + Mil-Sim + Fin-Sim,
"Power-Simulator" project. This project ties together various model or simulative
projects into an amalgamated project in order to simulate the broader world for the
sake of study and game. This is all done on open, permissionless, decentralized,
distributed, cryptographic networks that cannot be censored or shut down. The F.O.B.
aims to tie separate and distinct projects together to create a seamless world-sim
that you can game to social or monetary benefit- you are directly interacting with
other humans in order to play in this sim and you are moving real money to effect this
simulated world. I am still editing all this together, updates will come as rolling
edits to these initial posts.
You can game governments against each other resulting in their implosion and your
financial profit. This is a real thing, with users competing with/against each other
and to which they can gain or lose monetary value. Some will probably game the game
itself (meta) and ultimately implode the system/hosting government as well.
To be clear on what exactly this is - I am gamifying the public sphere based on
specific components of game-theoretic models and particular distinctions drawn between
the public and private spheres in the western world based on Habermasian notions from
his book
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere amongst other things like
Peter Ludlow's
Crypto-Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias. What this means is
that you can spend real United States Dollars, hard earned skrilla, on myriad
prediction markets generated and based on a trustless, permissionless, decentralized
Nation-State registered on the BitNation platform, as to whether or not certain events
will happen in the world. The payout will be a private, or untraceable, cryptocurrency
also generated on the same platform to which you will be able to exchange for any
other currency, or use to buy anything that your Dollar could otherwise get you.
The current project is split into four sections:
• The GovSim/Sovereignty operation will be on the
BitNation platform.
• The MediaSim/News operation will be on the
DNN platform.
• The MilSim/War operation will be ran on the
SquadOps servers.
• The FinSim/Trading operation will be on the
Augur prediction market.
If additional services are required, like the sale and transmission of material goods,
we will set up a shop on
:: GovSim ::
:: MediaSim ::
:: MilSim ::
We will be using the SquadOps mod for the videogame Squad to do millitary simulation
and real-time combat operations in digital space. This is mostly for fun, but this
will also have a two-pronged effect on the prediction markets.
1. A market will open for bets to be placed on which team will win each registered
operation, creating a sub-market.
2. A market will open for bets to be placed on which real-world event will occur based
on which team was assigned to it and won the operation, creating a meta-market.
What this means is:
1. You can directly compete in a videogame and win money if your team wins
(proportionate to the payouts from the prediction pools).
2. You can directly compete in, and throw, a videogame to win money based on the
predicted success values of the Power-Simulator ecosystem (the meta-market).
Using SquadOps is tentative and we may move to another game, but even if they don't
want this, we can place bets on them nonetheless.
:: FinSim ::
For now, everything will be done through the
Augur prediction market.
This may occur on the
Endor prediction market if it goes public before Augur and the
sim is ready to launch.
Other options include
Cindicator and
Gnosis but these are not likely to be used due to
their lower security, alternative use options, or delayed release.
Every major action of the registered government on the BitNation platform will have an
autonomously generated prediction pool opened on Augur by which you can bet on the
outcome directly. The betting will be directly tied to your citizenship account so you
can be awarded ERC20 tokens as points for your character in the sim. These tokens are
ERC20 compliant and so can be traded and sold like any other 0x-protocol or Ethereum
token. This means they are a full-featured cryptocurrency and can be frictionlessly
interchanged with any other currency, digital or fiat.
This will itself allow for secondary markets to buy and sell in-game 'points' for sim
characters, to create leverage on the prediction markets. This leads to a meta-game of
swaying market prediction averages to either hedge against bad bets or create larger
odds for winners. This effect will compound since winning consistently will allow for
more leverag each time. This problem will then extend to the broader prediction
market, and allow for throwing of all pools outside our sim.
Because of this, our registered government will also be using Augur to place bets and
will be intentionally trying to throw prediction markets using the artificially
inflated value of its own currency as leverage over said markets. If successful, this
will collapse all markets systematically.
:: How to Rule the World Without Leaving Your Armchair ::
BitNation's whitepapers outline the same points that Snov outlined prior to their
inception on the same forums they posted their ANN on (may have been influenced by
Snov), but they don't seem to be aware of the problems that this kind of system
creates. Snov anticipated many problems with this system, specifically with gaming it,
that BitNation doesn't seem to be considering (see
Don't get me wrong, what they've done is impressive, "the world’s first blockchain
marriage, birth certificate, refugee emergency ID, World Citizenship, DBVN
Constitution and more. The website proof-of-concept, including the blockchain ID and
Public Notary, is used by tens of thousands of Bitnation Citizens and Embassies around
the world." The problem however is that you can arbitrarily generate citzenship
profiles within the same digital nation on their platform (and any platform that is
ever created like this), meaning that you can be counted a hundred times during a vote
if you registered a hundred profiles.
All someone has to do (read: what I am actively doing) is register a nation/government
on their platform, have the constitution be set up like a ransomware message, have the
government's primary autonomous functionality be the generation of citizens
disproportionately inside other nations registered on the platform, systematically
sway votes for laws that were also autonomously generated by the ransomware
government, laws designed to implode said nations, and then literally hold entire
nation-states ransom with the citizens as bargaining chips. Something something ipso
facto now my digital government owns all the citizens of all the other digital
governments. This would be very difficult to execute of course, but difficulty has
never stopped comedy.