:: Weaponry ::
The manually operated weapons that can be carried or interacted with in this game are divided into groups based on the kind of damage they deal. There are five main kinds of damage operational weaponry can deal in this game, as delineated below. A character must train with a weapon in order to become proficient with it. Proficiency means you don't make attack rolls with disadvantage. ALL attack rolls made for a weapon in which the player is not proficient result in rolls with disadvantage unless some special effect or feature dictates otherwise. There are two ways this proficiency can be acquired, the first is through combat training and the second is through active use. Combat training takes three in-game days and counts as temporary proficiency that lasts until one month after your training ended. Combat training can also reduce target-acquisition time on some firearms. Active use means connecting a shot with a live target. You do not have to kill a person to gain this effect, but you must have landed a total of three hits on a live target to gain proficiency in this way. If both forms of proficiency are met, they stack and you gain advantage on all attack rolls made with the weapon for which you have those proficiencies (for short-range non-ADS attacks). All attacks past snap-range are made with disadvantage unless the character takes time to ADS. Weapons with the concealable property can be hidden on a character's person to avoid detection or to avoid appearing hostile. Weapons with the heavy property halve your movement speeds and take 2 seconds to draw/holster (all other weapons only take 1 second). Weapons with the explosive property display their radius of effect in place of their effective ranges (and do half damage rounded up past the first radius marker). Players that can see a lobbed grenade can use a reaction to make a DEX saving throw to avoid the damage from the grenade. All grandes are thrown 40m by default with STR modifier adding/subtracting 10m per point.

:: Armor ::
Armor in Snuff is not totally passive like in DnD, where armor determines if an attack hits or not, but is active and instead also determines how much of an attaack hits. For example, if you have a total armor (natural armor + equipment) of 15, and you're hit with an attack roll higher than 15, and that attack deals 18 damage, then you suffer 3 damage from the attack. There is a tentative rule we are using that says armor does not determine if an attack lands in Snuff, and instead attack rolls are decided by thresholds where you need to roll higher than some threshold determined by the weapon being used in order to land a successful hit. This will be changed soon.

:: Additional Gear ::
There are many other items and pieces of equipment you can add to your inventory during your journies in Snuff, and transporting those is usually done via the warp system, but in many cases you will need to carry the items on your person. Packs and carry-gear follow.

:: Features ::
Every species starts with natural biological features or culturally ascribed artifical features that allow their members some advantage or efficiency over their environment and regular activities. Being a productive or even destructive member of the universal society may sometimes require more skills than initially availible to you. After a month of in-game time, characters may take one of the following features as an additional set of tools for use in their party.