:: About EPW ::
Snuff is a SciFi game with heavy cyberpunk elements. It is science-fiction, not science-fantasy. The difference between the two can be thought of as the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars. In science-fiction the ideas and situations presented are supposed to be real, plausible, and actually attainable, whereas in science fantasy they simply use seemingly advanced but unrealistic or impossible technology to play out a fantasy narrative. Snuff, meaning the extended EPW universe, is heavily modeled around academic research published by members of the Diogenesis Table Society. This futurist research we have all done directly informs the technologies and social structures of the EPW universe. Snuff is very much what I believe our actual future will look like.
Snuff is the general name for every installment of the EPW universe. So EPW 2 will still be named Snuff but will be a different game than the current one, which is EPW 1. The EPW universe and game engine will continually expand until the codebase and game mechanics have grown enough to warrant a new edition number. These may also be considered expansions, although they will add far more features and game mechanics than typical expansion packs. As such, the current version of Snuff is an outline, the bare minimum, a skeleton of a game needed to show proof-of-concept on the way to developing a much more ambitious game (EPW 4).
EPW 1 is a table-top game, used as an outline of all the core game concepts and basic mechanics of Snuff. I've made it this way so that the game is simple enough to play with pencil on paper, simple enough to balance, and simple enough to work out the main mechanical problems with gameplay. This means it is currently similar to other table-top games like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or Burning Wheel. EPW 2 will be a massively-multiplayer online text game, or MUD/MOO, and will be the first online instantiation of Snuff. EPW 3 will be a 2D or quasi-3D version of Snuff allowing for the primary visual and auditory expansions of the game. EPW 4 will be the full-featured 3D and VR version of the game with every mechanic fully implemented. Since they will all be based on a system that can be ran by pencil and paper, even EPW 4 will have incredibly simple and beginner-friendly learning curves. This also means that being able to account and plan on paper for most of an otherwise traditional MMO, paired with the in-game currency being a real-world currency, creates a massive meta-game whose scope I do not really know the limits of. I do know it will be substantially larger than almost any other game to date by the time EPW 2 is finished.
A 2d10 dice system has been decided on due to the pyramid curve of probability it generates; this is better than a flat probability like 1d20 and a bell-curve distribution like 3d6, since the pyrmaid is whole-number-stepped (as you can see in the link) and therefore critical thresholds are as easy as possible to modify while also still maintaining a more realistic center-based distribution.
EPW 1 is titled 'Snuff' akin to snuff films - in the way that gore and illegal porn are the bastardizations of cinema, so Snuff is the bastardization of games. Given that the code and game concept is a mash of ill-thought-out mechanics, Snuff is a perversion of game theory. Additionally, there is a fine peach-colored powder central to the game's plot that when snorted acts as a cognitive enhancer; one of the slang terms for the powder is Snuff.
So far, Snuff and all of EPW has been an auteur project; I am the only person that has worked on it. All the game concepts, code, and webpages were created by me (as is the case with almost everything on the Snerx domain). Because of this, it will be a good while before there is a playable alpha for Snuff, and a good while longer before there is a polished beta, and a good while after that before this game is worth showing other people in broader society. That is unless I get help coding and managing the database. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I can provide monetary compensation for work rendered.