:: Character Creation Guide ::
Character creation in Snuff is a streamlined version of many systems combined into one. The goal was to make it much simpler to create a character in Snuff than in other tabletop RPGs, automating background stories and putting a strong focus on dynamic playstyles where players can arbitrarily switch between traditional classes just like in real life. This flexibility of playstyle and polymorphic social and combat situations are what gives Snuff a diverse and dynamic feel with easily extensible world content.
+ Picking a Species, Bloodtype, and Sex +
- Stats -
There are three stat categories: Intelligence (INT), Vitality (VIT), and Luck (LUK). Each category has three member stats you can assign points to. Intelligence contains Mind (MND), Social (SOC), and Gravity (GRV). Vitality contains Health (HEL), Power (POW), and Speed (SPD). Luck contains Random (RNG), Manipulation (MAN), and Prediction (PRD).
Carry weight is two-pronged in EPW. Since the remote transport of materials to motherships is possible, all items picked up by a character can be instantly offloaded to that character's locker on a nearby mother or transport ship. This means characters can indefinitely pick up items without any sort of maximum storage space limiting their bounties. However, you can only carry so much on you at a given time (your load/loadout); this threshold hinders speed if crossed and boosts speed if your loadout is half your threshold. Players can manually set limits on the maximum number of items to carry in a stack before that item is sent to the player's locker; this becomes a balancing act around how much a character needs for armor, weaponry, food, and ammo before they send away extra.
+ Picking Equipment +
+ Picking a Knowledge Base +
:: Movement and Actions ::
Turn order in EPW I is determined by 'Response Time'. Response time is a d20 roll plus your Dexterity and Wisdom scores with highest to lowest total scores determining turn order. There are equipment and features that add bonuses to response times. Rolls for response time do not have critical failures or successes, you just use the totals. A roll of 20 or greater is an 'immediate' response time, 15-19 is a one-second response time, 10-14 is a two-second response time, 5-9 is a three-second response time, and 4 or lower means you don't get to start taking turns until the first cycle is over.

Turns in EPW I are broken into 3 second chunks. Each turn being 3 seconds means each second represents an action you can take during that turn. If you want to move for one second then you look at the base movement speed of your race, add any bonuses from equipment or features, and move that distance. If you want to move for two seconds then you make the same calculation and double it to get the maximum distance you can move. You don't have to move your full distance in a given second but moving does use up the full second. If you take all three seconds to move, you can perform no other actions during your turn unless you have equipment or features that explicitly allow you to. If you use movement to walk instead of run, you can perform all listed actions below as additional actions during each of those seconds, without disadvantage. If you use movement to run, you can perform the same actions but with disadvantage.

Besides moving, the other default actions every character can perform on any turn are: taking out or holstering a weapon, aiming, firing, reloading, using or interacting with an object, scanning an area, crouching, going prone, standing up, unarmed attacks, attempts to disarm someone, and attempts to knock someone unconscious.

Taking out and holstering a weapon: Taking out or holstering a weapon takes 1 second, unless it has the heavy property, in which case it takes 2 seconds. Other effects and features may affect these times.

Aiming: Aiming removes disadvantage from firing a weapon past snap-range, takes as many seconds as the weapon description describes, and remains in effect until the player chooses to stop or decides to sprint. This means a player cannot run while aiming. When firing without aiming, the first range stat given by a weapon is the range you can fire out to without imposing disadvantage on the attack roll. This is effectively 'hip-firing' or 'snap-firing' and severely limits the accuracy of the shots. When aiming, you can designate a specific bodypart that you are aiming for, but this imposes disadvantage on the attack roll. If one of the die hits but the other misses, your shot lands near the center-of-mass rather than at your specified bodypart. Aiming this way can have several effects - landing a shot on the head automatically deals double damage, landing a shot on an arm can disarm a target (STR saving throw), and landing a shot on a leg can halve a target's speed (CON saving throw); if both legs are taken out, the target can only crawl at half their walking speed.

Firing: ; going critical doubles the damage.


Using or interacting with an object:

Visual scanning:

Crouching, prone, and standing up:

Unarmed attacks:

Attempting to disarm someone:

Attempting to knock someone unconscious:

:: Character Sheet Template ::
Handle : Snax
Titles : Mentat, First Honors

Species: Human
Blood  : Gold
Class  : Philosopher
Stats  : 5 INT 5 VIT 5 LUK

Money  : 10 SNUFF
Address: 1snerxYR4LFh3WzrBGpQh6rUaHpGCkMHs

Load   : 20 lbs
Inv.   : 3,000 lbs
Value  : 100 SNUFF

Tasks  : Manage Greater Western Co-prosperity Sphere...
Skills : Logic IV, Tech V, Pilot I, Small Arms II, Critical Analysis III, Language IV