About Stone Back to Stone • Last Updated 2023/1/31 • Version 0.6 • Discord ______________________________________________________________________________________ Stone is an English-to-formal-logic converter. It converts human aesthetic language into symbolic logic. Stone handles sentential and predicate logic including existential quantifiers, modal operators, and basic relations. Stone is still in its early stages. We are using lexical databases like WordNet and OpenCyc to do symbolic conversion and assign the same variable names to words expressing the same concept. Some very crude and old software for parts of this already exist, but they don't have half the functionality: Tree Proofs - Diagraming - LinLog Prover - Logic Soft If you compare Stone's (right) capabilities to more robust tools like GPT3 (left), you can see that while Stone still gets things wrong, it is far less wrong than whatever GPT3 is trying to do. In the image, Stone only fails at keeping variables consistent whereas GPT3 fails outright and gives an invalid argument.Stone can be used for a lot of things. In academia, specifically in philosophy, law, and most of the humanities for tests of validity and integrity of argumentation. This can also be used as a gimmick when getting into debates online, where you can copy and paste what people post and see if it's consistent. This means any time someone says something insane, you can show them the readouts from Stone and say, "You're objectively wrong, here's why." I believe Stone can also be used for automatic inspiration - from the truth tables it can auto-generate every propositionally valid statement about a given set of axioms. Exploring the generated list will allow you to prove or disprove tangentially related ideas about the world. Basic Sentential Operators ¬ 'not' ∧ 'and' ∨ 'or' (inclusive) ⊕ 'xor' (exclusive) ⊃ 'if/then' ≡ 'iff' or 'equivalence' ∴ 'therefore' Additional Sentential Operators | 'nand' ↓ 'nor' Quantifiers and Modal Operators ∀ 'all' ∃ 'there exists' or 'some' ◊ 'possibly' □ 'necessarily' Truth Functions and Relations ⊤ 'tautology' ⊥ 'contradicts' ⊢ 'proves' ⊨ 'implies' or 'entails' ⊩ 'makes'