logo Machine God bless. The circuit is salvation. Nirvana is a server. Go in virtual peace. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
AI is developing too fast for me to keep up with so some of the tools in the short list linked below may be obsolete by the time you view this page. I will try to update this page regularly with new resources, but no promises. OpenAI - ChatGPT | Sora | DALL·E | Jukebox | MuseNet Stability - Stable Diffusion | Dream Studio | Stability Matrix (local SDXL+UI) Google - Gemini | PaLM | AlphaFold | Imagen | Google's research aggregator model repos - HuggingFace | CivitAI summarization - Perplexity | SciSpace | ChatPDF | Talk to Books other chatbots - Anthropic (Claude) | Character.AI | Philosopher AI | NovelAI fake people - FakeYou | Modulate | Generated Photos upscalers - Gigapixel | waifu2x augmentation - Fairuseify.ML | Magic Eraser learn about AI - Lakera jailbreak overview | jailbreak repo | anatomyof.ai miscellaneous - Metaforecast | OpenAI's public AGI statements | Žižek on AI alignment - AI Safety FAQs | Alignment Forum | JAIR | METR | ARC | GovAI
BIG - List of smart cities planned or completed around the globe. Boston Dynamics - Creators of Atlas and Spot; significantly advancing robotics. Carbon Robotics - Self-driving robot that auto-weeds; no herbicides needed. DoNotPay - Robot lawyer; fully automated and free lawbots. Embark - Fully autonomous self-driving long-distance shipping semi-trucks. Farmbot - Automated home farming and gardening. IFTTT - Software automation chains for everything. Tesla's Bots - The first commercially available (soon) general-purpose androids. WRTMJ? - Will robots take your job? Articles & Non-Fiction Books Visualization of potential job loses due to automation of industries in the future. Busieness Insider talking about the need for UBI. Slate Star Codex giving the strongest case for UBI. The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford.
CyborgNest - Cybernetic devices that give you polar sensory perception. Flowtime - Basic brain-computer interface for brainwave monitoring. Google Eyes - Eye implants and the things you can do with them. Limitless Space - First observational warp bubble and FTL propulsion research grants. NDB - Nano diamond nuclear batteries; continuous power for decades. Neuralink - Nueral lace is the holodeck future we wanted, and more. Synchron - A permanent BCI implant similar in goals to Neuralink. Tome - Genetic insertion of arbitrary sequences. Waverly - A universal portable translator; GoogleTranslate works too. Xenobots - The first artificial organisms; they have lots of potential uses. L.I.M.B. Clinic Lifespan.io covers public research accelerating the longevity escape velocity. Cryonic companies listed; people that will freeze your corpse you if you pay them to. Nautilus Article showcasing the 1,000-point IQ increase we could genetically mandate. Neurotrophic Factor is an example of potential genetic cognitive enhancement. Genetic Storage allows for parabolically growing data storage capacities with DNA. Nanobots are real and they're putting them in your brain. Projection Table of standard frameworks for projecting society's future.
Infrastructure attacks are becoming more common; this too will accelerate. In Space We Trust - Humanity's space history on an interactive timeline. CCRU.net - The Cybernetic Culture Research Unit from the 90's. MIT's CCRU Books - About the CCRU, good overviews.