Last Updated 2024/10/7

Turning Real Life Into an MMORPG

I am trying to gameify life by creating publicly trackable stats for people, meaningful classes to spec into, and a real gear ladder (based loosely around ideas like these). Playing this game has resulted in the direct improvement of people's lives and has made them more useful to themselves, the people around them, and society in general. A lot more will eventually be added to this page, but in the meantime, if you want to help us test IRL, you can join our Discord.

An example of our character sheet:


Your background consists of your age, sex, height, weight, nationality, ethnicity, known languages, and religion. Your nationality, ethnicity, languages, and religion in particular explain what passports you have (where you can travel), what haplogroups you belong to (any genetic diseases you're predisposed to), who you can talk to, and what value systems you have (who you are capable of tolerating). This makes your background an accurate proxy for whether others can work with you for extended periods of time in stressful environments. Many people have lots of haplogroup mixing in their DNA, so on your character sheet just list the three with the largest share by percentage.


All stats are easy to work on and can improve or degrade over time. Anyone can become noticeably better at any stat and see a clear, objective improvement in their lives because of it. These stats are designed to start at an average score of 50 each and we use these to relativistically rank people. If you financially incentivized this score improvement, you could potentially have a whole culture that works towards all these benificial behaviors. Your irl stats are as follows:

MEM: Memory is your Dual-N-Back score for a standardized DnB of 100 rounds on 3-back, plus your score on a rote memorization test similar to the ones used in the POST exam; 50 possible points each for 100 total.

INT: Intelligence is your score on a game theory test we issue plus your score on a series of randomnly generated knights-and-knaves logic puzzles; 50 possible points each for 100 total.

CHA: Charisma is determined by your score on a reading comprehension test plus your score from three rounds of A Convincing Game. 50 possible points each for 100 total. If we find an easy and highly reliable way to measure temperament, we will also include that.

VIT: Vitality is 200 minus your age, minus your BMI, minus half your resting heart rate (an estimate of stamina), divided by 1.5, for 100 possible points total. This is an incredibly acurate way to measure bodily health. We will change age to cellular age based on senescence in the future when that becomes easier to measure.

STR: Strength is the number of pushups, squats, sit-ups, and pull-ups you can do in a minute each, divided by 2 (tentative value), for a possible total of 100. We use a calesthenic metric rather than a weight-rack metric so that strength is a score relative to your own body size, what we might even call functional strength. The greatest limiting factor to this strength stat is lactic acid buildup.

DEX: Dexterity is a combination of flexibility, motor-reflex, and balance metrics. Flexibility is measured by whether you can do the splits, bridge, flattened butterfly (or both legs behind your head), touching hands behind your back (one over your shoulder), and have >90 degree rotation of your neck and back in all axis (6 points each for 30 total). That number is added to your score from this motor-skills test (40 total). Lastly your vestibular sense (balance) score is measured by how long you can walk on a straight narrow line before falling off of it (60 seconds max for 60/2 points total), for a possible total dexterity score of 100.


This is our current outline of IRL classes. Each class has three main skills and you must have moderate competency with at least one of the skill sets in order to list that class on your character sheet. Expertise with any skill set grants you that as a Subclass. Real life is of course different than a video game and so there's no need to limit yourself to one class; anyone can become highly competent at a wide variety of skills.

Medic • You have worked as a healthcare professional and/or have received advanced medical and triage training.
Herbalist • You know about the bioavailability of herbs and other natural remedies in your geographic region and are familiar with cultivating and processing them (and keep some stocked).
Poisoner • You know about regionally available natural venoms/toxins and antidotes, as well as keep each stocked.

Horticulturist • You are proficient at plant production, propagation, gardening, and know how to store & ferment grains & fruit.
Beast Tamer • You raise and maintain livestock and/or know how to train sheep dogs or carrier birds.
Earth Worker • You know how to build large structures with earth and stone (adobe earthbags, cob-and-bottle, and tire walls also count).

Soldier • You are proficient in the use of firearms and have done SERE training (level B/C) or have taken multiple urban survival classes geared towards hostage scenarios, being kidnapped, etc.
Monk • You have trained 5+ years in some practical martial art (Muay Thai or Jiu-Jitsu).
Pilot • You have a pilot license for helicopters or planes. Being able to competently operate a tank also counts. Signify which class of vehicle you are a pilot for by putting it in parenthesis on your character sheet.

Survivalist • You know basic firecraft, sheltercraft, and can reliably capture & clean water from different sources in multiple climates.
Tracker • You know how to fish, track game, set traps, how to skin & gut animals, and how to smoke/preserve meat.
Faunist • You train dogs or birds to hunt.

Locksmith • You are proficient in pin-tumbler and disc-detainer lock-picking as well as common physical pen-testing techniques (under-overs, clipboard uniform, etc.).
Thief • You are proficient in misdirection-based pickpocketing and some kind of movement sport (free running or parkour).
Remote Caller • You are proficient at wardriving, the use of stingray devices, card cloners, and something like the Flipper Zero or Pwnagotchi, since they all allow you access to otherwise inaccessible places.

Chemist • You have a degree in chemistry and/or you know formulations for various explosives and their construction, and you keep relevant precursors stocked.
Mender • You can sew, solder, and weld.
Geneticist • You have a degree in biology and/or you possess actionable knowledge of gene sequencing, editing, and plasmid-based biohacking.

Pact Magic • You have made a blood pact (business relationship) with an elected member of government, have compartmentalized security clearance in an intelligence agency, or have privac to at least one of the top five defense contractors.
Mind Reader • You have studied kinesics, mentalism, or are a licensed polygraph technician, and you can tell with greater than 97% accuracy when someone is lying.
Bankrolled • You have either made, inherited, or won over 5 million USD and can therefore live comfortably off the interest alone (1% interest is $50,000 a year).

Sage • You have a degree in a traditional humanities field and pass our generalist exam (basic competency in STEM, medicine, & law).
Abjuration Magic • You know the basics of linguistics, informatics, cryptography, network exploitation, and standard compartmentalization practices.
Divination Magic • You can track people via digital footprints and know how to find image source locations (master geoguesser) as well as use tools like Maltego, Metaforecast, or others to accurately track and predict sentiments around various topics. You must have greater than a 66% success rate for 20+ successive events for this to count.

Seaborn • You are proficient at boating and diving (with and without an air tank), and know how to check and manage relevant equipment.
Vertical Traveller • You are a proficient free climber, can belay, reppel, set up anchors, and competently pack a parachute.
Radioactive • You have a degree in nuclear physics and/or you possess actionable knowledge for the construction and maintanence of nuclear reactors/engines.
Precog • You can consistently score higher than 33% on the sequences in the Rhine/Zener tests.
Bard • You are proficient with a portable acoustic instrument and can sing in key with it.


We track some buffs and debuffs. Buffs are things like stimulants, strong cognition enhancing nootropics (like modafinil or phenylpiracetam), and genetic augmentation. Debuffs are usually medical conditions (e.g., heart problems or nutrient deficiencies) but things like debt or sleep deprevation also count. De/buffs can be either temporary or permanent, denoted by a (temp) or (perm) tag next to their name on your character sheet. A complete list of de/buffs will be provided here soon.


There are five different attribute values a vehicle (mount) or pet can have: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary.

There are a lot of vehicle choices in real life, but cars and boats tend to be better than most others because they can carry a lot of weight and double as a shelter. Bikes are fine for short distances but not really viable for anything else.

Of the various kinds of cars in the world, hybrids are currently the best since they only require half as much gas, you don't have to wait hours at a supercharger, can still use it to power external devices, and in a SHTF scenario where you can't guarantee the availibility of electricity or gasoline, you have a second option for whichever becomes availible first. Other desirable attributes include level III or higher bulletproofing, the interior being hermetically sealed to counter biohazards, or an exotic power source like a hydrogen or nuclear engine.

Boats may be preferable over cars since they allow significantly more freedom of travel around the planet, have way more storage space, can be a food generating platform (fishing), and can act as a permanent home (for a cost far less than a house). Of the various kinds of boats in the world, small to medium sized sail boats with onboard motors are the best since they give you high speeds with flexibility for wind-powered locomotion if fuel runs out. As for hulls, monohulls and catamarans both have their pros and cons but monos are substantially cheaper in every aspect (including initial purchase, berthing, maintanence, haul out, trucking, etc.). Less common propellers like toroidal and bionic props may be preferable for efficiency.

Car or boat, whichever you choose, if you want to use it for long distance travel or shelter you will benefit significantly by having solar panels and some kind of mobile internet like Starlink. Boats also benefit from rain capture and desalinators.

Pets fall into three categories: Hunting, Utility, and Useless. Hunting pets include trained hunting dogs and hunting birds. Utility pets include carrier pidgeons, horses, donkeys, mules, oxen, chickens, cows, goats, sheep, herding or service dogs, and similar animals. Useless pets include all other animals you can keep around but which don't provide any consistent practical value, like rodents, reptiles, and cats.


Clothing, food, weapons, and other miscellaneous items are needed to upgrade your IRL status and character sheet. There are five different values of an item's attribute: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary.

A lot of clothing is of course dependant on your personal tastes and the climate, but there are still objective traits that improve the quality and useablity of clothing, for example, wool clothing is naturally anti-bacterial and thereby stops it from becoming smelly as quickly. Generally speaking, waterproof and flame retardant clothing is also desirable, as is clothing that isn't too loose and likely to snag on fences. It is better for socks to be waterproof than it is for shoes to be since waterproof socks will still keep your feet dry when you are fully submerged in water, whereas waterproof shoes won't. As far as camouflage goes, most camo looks goofy in most regular environments; it's usually better to have solid-color gray clothing since this is more inconspicuous and still acts as camo in many urban, winter, and nighttime settings. There are however camo patterns that fool most AI camera systems and even some infrared camos - these can be incredibly useful. You can buy level II bodyarmor undershirts from some sites, and there are lots of options for level III or IV plates if you don't mind standing out.

You should be able to fit your whole life into two or three bags: a backpack for EDC items and one or two duffle bags for clothing and miscellaneous items like extra eletronics or guns. The lighter the packs, the easier they will be to carry, with 20-30 liter backpacks being ideal for extended wear. Desirable attributes include being waterproof or submersible, and faraday shielded. Faraday shielding is also useful for wallets, since this stops people from being able to wirelessly card clone.

Like clothing, food is highly dependant on personal tastes, as well as dietary requirements, but there are still objective traits that improve the overall quality and utility of food. We currently only count full meals in IRL and the five main traits we look at are cost, caloric value, protein value, time to prep, and shelf life. If a meal costs less than $6 USD to make, it gets a point for being cheap. If a meal has >800 kCals, it gets a point for being energy dense. If a meal has >90g of protein, it gets a point for being protein dense. If a meal took less than 10 minutes to make, it gets a point for being quick to make. If a meal (or at least all of its constituant parts before prep) can be stored without refrigeration for more than 1 year without going bad, it gets a point for long shelf life. Add up all the points of a single meal and that tells you what the item's attribute is. For example, a typical MRE has five points since they are often under $5 per pack, are very high in calories & protein, are quick to make (often self-heating), and store for many years at a time, making its attribute legendary. A prepared meal with zero points is not even considered common and so you can't list it as an item on your character sheet.

The items I would recommend here come from /innawoods, specifically the fire, water, food, medical, knives, and guns sections. Those are all incredibly useful for basic survival and can easily be what determines your chances of making it through unpleasant situations. You can legally carry a knife on you in almost every country on the planet, and many places even allow you to carry a firearm as long as you purchased it legally and keep it concealed. Aside from these, it's also handy to keep a couple escape tools on your person (which are included on the same page) and some food and water in your backpack at all times.


Your real life wealth is split between liquidity, which is how much cash you have (and easily liquidated miscellaneous items like gold and stocks), and solidity, which is all other assets you own (properties, cars, boats, etcetera). USD is the current world reserve currency, so everything in IRL is priced in $USD.

All financial debt you owe is listed as a lump sum in the debuff section. If at any point your solidity isn't greater than your debt owed, you gain the irresponsible status. If your liquidity is greater than your solidity, you can the gambler status.


Setting up real-world quests that people actually want to do and that also give real rewards is tricky but I am in the process of making an interactive table/board for this. There are two different kinds of quests, extrinsically and intrinsically motivated quests and they are assigned the same value attributes as the previous sections. Extrinsic quests are ones with some kind of externally provided reward or incentive, like a cash prize or some item conferred to winners and will always require that you keep records or evidence of where and when you went somewhere, with an assigned witness required for all rare and higher quest values. All legendary and very rare extrinsic quests also award service ribbons upon completion. Intrinsic quests are "dailies" and are easier to do and rely more on self reporting. The reward for doing dailies is personal gain or growth in a mind/body statistic. Some quests will have minimum stat requirements. Here is an example list of quests:

Minimal Maintenance
Walk/jog for 20+ minutes, stretch for 10+ minutes, and do push-ups, sit-ups, & squats (50 each).

Meditate for 10+ minutes while doing breathing exercises.

Knowledge Tree Advancement
Read (with your eyes) a non-fiction book for 30+ minutes.

Treasure Hunt: Mediterranean Sea
Go boating with floor-mapping sonar; provide your full route and cover at least 100 square nautical miles. If you find any previously unmarked ship wrecks, mark their location and post pictures of the wreck and what was found in them.
REWARD: $500 and you can keep anything you find, just don't get caught by authorities.

Treasure Hunt: Réunion Island
PREREQUISITES: minimum mind score average of 65.
Go boating with floor-mapping sonar; provide your full route and cover at least 200 square nautical miles. You are looking for lost Spanish vessels; mark their location and post pictures of the wreck and anything found in them.
REWARD: $5,000 and you can keep half of what you find.

Journal Recovery: Lost Adventurers
PREREQUISITES: minimum body score average of 90.
Recover the bodies and journals of the party who dissappeared in the Congolian rainforests.
REWARD: $1,000 for each body or journal recovered.

Urban Exploration: Foreign Bodies
PREREQUISITES: minimum body score average of 85 and at least two party members with rank-2 Fighter and one party member with rank-2 Rogue.
Speedrun a break-in at the Leidos biomedical building in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Access the restricted BSL3 area of the basement via the BSL2 antechamber while livestreaming. Open the horizontal freezers and unzip the vacuum bags of all four bodies on camera. Don't make direct skin contact with any of the bodies and wear a mask to prevent the inhalation of anything undesirable.
REWARD: Everlasting international fame. If the bodies have been moved by the time you get there, you will unfortunately only recieve $10,000 and an Urban Explorer service medal instead.

Witness Me
PREREQUISITES: minimum mind and body score averages of 80.
Pass our verbal and physical exam to become an official witness. Witnesses are contract employees of IRL that are assigned to parties going on quests around the world; IRL witnesses are effectively run the game. Their main function is to be a neutral observer but a witness may also partake in quest rewards if they contributed notably in the relevant quest. Rewards are doled out by majority vote of all IRL witnesses.
REWARD: Contract pay and the Witness service medal.

Light Work
Save 10 party members from life-threatening injuries or diseases. These must all be during events with an assigned witness.
REWARD: $1,000 and the Light Work service medal.

Seen A Lot
Be the assigned witness for 100 quests.
REWARD: $10,000 and the Veteran Witness service medal.

Light Bringer
Save 100 people from life-threatening injuries or diseases. These must all be during events with an assigned witness.
REWARD: $10,000 and the Light Bringer service medal.


Upon joining the system and starting your first quest, you will be given a small waterproof and tear-resistant A5 journal book (usually stone paper) to keep various standardized notes in. Physical pen and paper journals are useful for all kinds of things — as non-digital storage they can't be hacked into over the internet, and physically writing things down aids memory better than digital assistants do — but for the purposes of IRL we also use the journals to log every extrinsic quest. This is partly because any assigned witness will have to sign-off on quest completion (and leave notes for other witnesses to review later), and partly because if you die then there will be a new quest generated to recover your body and journal (as a physical record/trinket to be archived). Once you have died and the journal is recovered it will be digitized and made public for others to read (unless you previously specified otherwise).