TITLE (click to sort) |
Abelson & Sussman | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
Acerbi, et al. | Regulatory Traits: Cultural Influences on Cultural Evolution |
Actrons | Richard Stallman’s Disjoined Realism And Frozen Belief System |
Actrons | The Concerns of a Surveillance State Within a Market Economy |
Adorno, Theodor | The Culture Industry |
Agar, Nicholas | Why is it Possible to Enhance Moral Status and why Doing so is Wrong? |
Alcubierre, Miguel | The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel Within General Relativity |
Alimohammadi, et al. | Effect of Chronic Noise Exposure on Aggressive Behavior ... |
Anders, Geoff | The Transformations of Science |
Anderson & Anderson | Machine Ethics |
Andreessen, Marc | Why AI Will Save the World |
Ango, Stephan | Photoshop for Text |
Antonopolous, Andreas | All the Ships are Sinking |
Antonopolous, Andreas | Escaping the Global Banking Cartel |
Antonopolous, Andreas | Money As A System Of Control |
Antonopolous, Andreas | Separation of Money and State |
Antonopolous, Andreas | The Price of Losing Privacy |
Antonopolous, Andreas | Worse Than Useless: Financial Surveillance |
Aristotle | Metaphysics |
Aristotle | Organon & Physics |
Aristotle | The Nicomachean Ethics |
Arnopoulos, Paris | Prolegomena to Problemology: a Definition of Social Problems |
Arvidsson-Shukur & Barnes | Quantum Counterfactual Communication Without a Weak Trace (+) |
Barandes, Jacob A. | The Stochastic-Quantum Correspondence |
Belangia, Sherwood | What Is Mimetic Thoery? |
Black, Max | The Identity of Indescernibles |
Blackford & Broderick | Philosophy's Future: The Problem of Philosophical Progress |
Blackman, Josh | What Happens if Data is Speech? |
Blow, Jonathan | How an Operating System Should Work |
Blow, Jonathan | Preventing the Collapse of Civilization |
Blow, Jonathan | Social Media Damages your Brain and Sabotages your Potential |
Blow, Jonathan | The Problem with Online Communities |
Blow, Jonathan | Video Games and the Future of Education |
Bobrick & Martire | Introducing Physical Warp Drives |
Boneh & Shoup | Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography |
Borges | The Library Of Babel |
Boslaugh, David | No Damned Computer Is Going To Tell Me What To Do |
Bostrom, Nick | Astronomical Waste ... Delayed Technological Development |
Bostrom, Nick | Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies |
Bostrom, Nick | The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant |
Bostrom, Nick | The Future of Human Evolution |
Bostrom, Nick | The Vulernerable World Hypothesis |
Bracciolini, Poggio | Facetiae |
Branwen, Gwern | It Looks Like You're Trying to Take Over the World |
Branwen, Gwern | Plastination versus Cryonics |
Branwen, Gwern | The Scaling Hypothesis |
Branwyn, Gareth | Cyberpunk Manifesto |
Brassier, Ray | Alien Theory: the Decline of Materialism in the Name of Matter |
Brassier, Ray | Nihil Unbound: Enlightenment and Extinction |
Brin, David | The Transparent Society |
Brown, et al. (Open AI) | Language Models are Few-Shot Learners |
Bruce & Barbone | Just the Arguments |
Brundage, et al. | The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence |
Brynjolfsson & McAfee | The Second Machine Age |
Buterin, et al. | A Flexible Design for Funding Public Goods |
Buterin, Vitalik | The Meaning of Decentralization |
Butler, Judith | Performative Acts and Gender Constitution |
Calthorpe, Peter | 7 Principles for Building Better Cities |
Carlin, George | Napalm & Silly Putty |
Carnap, Rudolf | Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology |
Carroll, Sean | Spacetime and Geometry: an Introduction to General Relativity |
Carroll, Sean | Why Boltzmann Brains Are Bad |
Caviola, et al. | Utilitarianism for Animals, Kantianism for People? |
Cerri, et al. | Hibernation for Space Travel: Impact on Radioprotection |
Chalmers, Alan | What Is This Thing Called Science? |
Chen, et al. | A Plant-derived Natural Photosynthetic System ... Cell Anabolism |
Chiang, Ted | Catching Crumbs From the Table |
Chomsky, Noam | New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind |
Christiano, Paul F. | Hyperbolic Growth |
Christiano, Paul F. | Takeoff Speeds |
CIA | Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process (+, +, +) |
CISA | Advanced Persistent Threat Compromise of ... |
CISA | Chinese State-Sponsored Cyber Operations: Observed TTPs |
Cliffski | Code Bloat has Become Astronomical |
Cockett & Beehler | Protective Effects of Hypothermia in Exploration of Space |
Coulanges, Numa | The Ancient City |
Cuffaro & Hartmann | The Open Systems View |
CultState | The Butterfly War |
Currin Trading | Ambition, Deception, Honor, Redemption |
Davis, Ginevra | I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person |
Debord, Guy | Society of the Spectacle |
Dejong, Michiel | Autonomous Artificial Proprietors: a seriously scary prospect. |
DeliciousTacos | Mark |
DeliciousTacos | Product Review: Tenga |
Deleuze, Gilles | Difference and Repetition |
Descartes & Elisabeth | Correspondence between Descartes and Princess Elisabeth |
Descartes, Rene | Meditations on First Philosophy |
Devlin, Keith | The Math Gene |
Dinesen & Sanderskov | Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust |
Donohue & Levitt | The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime (over the Last Two Decades) |
Dretske, Fred | Knowledge and the Flow of Information |
Drexler, K. Eric | Radical Abundance |
Dubner, Stephen J. | Abortion and Crime, Revisited |
Ebert & Culkin | Hypermodernity and the End of the World |
Ellison, Harlan | I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream |
Ettinger, Robert | The Prospect of Immortality |
Feynman, Richard | Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman |
Feynman, Richard | There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom |
Fine, et al. | The Role of Race and Genetics in Health Disparities Research |
Fisher, Mark | Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? |
Fisher, Mark | Flatline Constructs: Gothic Materialism & Cybernetic Theory-Fiction |
Foot, Phillipa | The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of the Double Effect |
Ford, Martin | Rise of the Robots |
Fortune, Dion | Psychic Self-Defense |
Fox, Jeff | Essential Fourth |
François, Por Charles | Problemology: a Methodology for ... Complex Problems |
Frege, Gottlob | The Foundations of Arithmetic |
Fry, Hannah | Should Computers Run the World? (+) |
Fukuyama, Francis | More Proof That This Really Is the End of History |
Fukuyama, Francis | The End of History? |
Gabriel, Markus | Why the World Does Not Exist |
Garis, Hugo de | The Artilect War (+, +) |
Gates, Jim | Superspace, Or One Thousand And One Lessons In Supersymmetry |
Gates, Jim | Superstring Theory: the DNA of Reality |
Gerring, Taylor | Building the Decentralized Web |
Ghirlanda & Enquist | Cumulative Culture and Explosive Demographic Transitions |
Gibson, William | Neuromancer |
Gibson, William | Shiny Balls of Mud |
Gillett & Kapor | The Self-Governing Internet |
Goodman, Nelson | Fact, Fiction, and Forecast |
Gorpinchenko, et al. | The Influence of Direct Mobile Phone Radiation on Sperm Quality |
Graeber, David | Bullshit Jobs: A Theory |
Graeber, David | Debt |
Graeber, David | The Dawn of Everything |
Greenspan, Patricia | The Problem With Manipulation |
Griffin, John Howard | Black Like Me |
Habermas, Jűrgen | The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere |
Halderman, Joe | The Forever War |
Hanania, Richard | How to Think about the "Current Thing" |
Hanania, Richard | Public Choice Theory and the Illusion of Grand Strategy |
Hanania, Richard | The Year of Fukuyama |
Hamming, Richard | The Art of Doing Science and Engineering |
Hance & Ladyman & Rarity | How Quantum is Quantum Counterfactual Communication? |
Harari, Yuval | Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind |
Hart & Farrell | Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas |
Hawking, Stephen | A Brief History of Time |
Hawking, Stephen | The Universe in a Nutshell |
Hazlitt, Henry | Economics in One Lesson |
Hegel, G.W.F. | Phenomenology of Spirit |
Hener, Timo | Noise Pollution and Violence |
Hennessey & Xijin Ge | ... Link Decay and the Effectiveness of Mitigation Techniques |
Herman & Chomsky | Manufacturing Consent |
Hewitt, Mike | Global Gold Supply vs. the Money Supply |
Hjorthøj, et al | Association Between Cannabis Use Disorder And Schizophrenia... |
Horkheimer & Adorno | Dialectic of Englightenment |
Hsu, Stephen | Super-Intelligent Humans Are Coming |
Hughes, Eric | A Cypherpunk's Manifesto |
Hyde, Sam | How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't |
Impink, et al. | Violent Video Games and Crime |
James, William | The Principles of Psychology |
Jones, E. Michael | Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control |
Jørgensen, et al. | Petabit-per-second ... Microcomb Ring Resonator Source |
Kaczynski, Theodore | Industrial Society And Its Future |
Kagan, Shelly | How to Live Given the Certainty of Death |
Kaku, Michio | Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction |
Kaku, Michio | Hyperspace |
Kant, Immanuel | Critique of Pure Reason |
Katayama, Lisa | Meet Hiroyuki Nishimura |
Kierkegaard, Søren | Fear and Trembling |
King, Matt | The Problem with Negligence |
Kokotajlo & Oprea | Counterproductive Altruism: The Other Heavy Tail |
Kopsida, et al. | The Role of the Y Chromosome in Brain Function |
Kosinski, Michal | ... Expose Political Orientation From Naturalistic Facial Images |
Krugman, Paul | The Theory of Interstellar Trade |
Kuhn, Thomas | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions |
Ladyman & Ross | Every Thing Must Go: Mataphysics Naturalized |
Ladyman, James | Are There Individuals in Physics, and If So, What Are They? |
Ladyman, James | In Praise of Specialisation |
Land, Nick | A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism |
Land, Nick | Fanged Noumena |
Land, Nick | What is Accelerating? |
Lanier & Weyl | A Blueprint for a Better Digital Society |
Larson, Kent | Brilliant Designs to Fit More People in Every City |
Lewis, David | Counterfactuals |
Lewis, David | On the Plurality of Worlds |
Liu, Cixin | The Dark Forest |
Logan, Jonathan | Dropgangs, or The Future of Darknet Markets |
Longley, John | On the Calculating Power of Laplace's Demon |
Ludlow, Peter | Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias |
Lynch, David | Catching the Big Fish |
Ma, Mike | Harassment Architecture |
MacKay and Avanessian | #Accelerate#: The Accelerationist Reader |
Maher, Bill | True Story |
Mann, Sonya | The Conversations Cryptocurrency Killed |
Marshall, Alfred | The Principles of Economics |
Martinez, Luis R. | How Much Should We Trust the Dictator's GDP Growth Estimates? |
Marx, Karl | Economic And Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 |
Mashour & LaRock | Inverse Zombies ... and the Hard Problem of Unconsciousness |
Mathews, Stanley | The Fun Palace as Virtual Architecture |
May, Timothy | The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto |
McGowen, et al. | Dolphin Genome ... and a Molecular Rate Slowdown |
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice | Adventures of the Dialectic |
MetaNomad | Bugmen |
Muratori, Casey | The Only Unbreakable Law (+) |
Muratori, Casey | The Thirty Million Line Problem |
Newell, Gabe | Reflections of a Video Game Maker |
Nguyen, C. Thi | What Zoom Removes |
Nielsen, Jakob | The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think |
Nietzsche, Friedrich | On the Genealogy of Morality |
Nishida, Kitarō | An Inquiry Into The Good |
Nissenbaum, Helen | Privacy as Contextual Integrity |
Nordeen & Martin | Engineering Human Stasis for Long-Duration Spaceflight |
Nozick, Robert | Philosophical Explanations |
Oesterheld, Caspar | Multiverse-wide Cooperation via Correlated Decision Making (+) |
Olson, S. Jay | Estimates for the Number of ... Cosmological Expansion of Life |
Olson, S. Jay | Homogeneous Cosmology with Aggressively Expanding Civilizations |
Olson, S. Jay | Long-term Implications of Observing ... Cosmological Civilization |
Olson, S. Jay | On the Visible Size ... Civilizations at Cosmological Distances |
Ord, Toby | The Edges of Our Universe |
Ord, Toby | The Precipice |
O'Loughlin, et al. | Method and Device for ... Radio Frequency Hearing Effect |
O'Rourke, P.J. | Holidays in Hell |
O'Rourke, P.J. | Parliament of Whores |
Paar, Christof | Stream Ciphers, Random Numbers and the One Time Pad |
Paine, Thomas | Common Sense |
Parfit, Derek | Reasons and Persons |
Pearl, Judea | Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference |
Pearl, Judea | Machine Learning is Stuck on Asking Why |
Peretti, Jonah | Capitalism and Schizophrenia |
Peterson, David J. | Create a Language in Just One Hour |
Plant & Land | Cyberpositive |
Plant, Sadie | Seduced & Abandoned: The Body in the Virtual World |
Plant, Sadie | Zeros and Ones |
Plato | Apology |
Plato | Cratylus |
Plato | Diogenes, Lives of Eminent Philosophers |
Plato | Euthyphro |
Plato | Sophist |
Plato | Symposium |
Plato | The Republic |
Plato | Thaeatetus |
Poderini, et al. | Experimental Violation of n-locality in a Star Quantum Network |
Putnam, Hilary | Reason, Truth and History |
Qureshi, Nabeel | Video Games are the Future of Education |
Rahmani, et al. | ... Missing Link Between Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, and Depression |
Raskin, Victor | The Primer of Humor Research vol. 1 (18 papers) |
Reiner, J. Toby | New Directions in Just-War Theory |
Root-Bernstein & id. | Polymathy Among Nobel Laureates As a Creative Strategy |
Ross & Turner | Existence Problems in Philosophy and Science |
Rudder, Christian | Dataclysm: who we are (when we think no one’s looking) |
Rust & Schwitzgebel | The Moral Behavior of Ethicists and the Power of Reason |
Sandberg & Drexler & Ord | Dissolving the Fermi Paradox |
Sandberg & Manheim | What is the Upper Limit of Value? |
Sapolsky, Robert | Biology and Human Behavior |
Sapolsky, Robert | Ethology |
Sapolsky, Robert | Schizophrenia |
Sapolsky, Robert | Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers |
Scanlon, Thomas | What We Owe to Each Other |
Schmitt, et al. | BDNF in sleep, insomnia, and sleep deprivation |
Schuessler, Jennifer | Our Boredom, Ourselves |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | Against Longtermism |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | Against the "Value Alignment" of Future Artificial Intelligence |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | Aiming for Moral Mediocrity |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | Ethical Efficiencies |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | If Materialism is True, the United States is Probably Conscious |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | It's Not Hard to Be Morally Excellent; You Just Choose Not To Be So |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | Our Infinite Predecessors: Flipping the Doomsday Argument on Its Head |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | Speaking with the Living, Speaking with the Dead ... |
Schwitzgebel, Eric | The Full Rights Dilemma for Future Robots |
Schwitzgebel & Moore | Experimental Evidence for the Existence of an External World (+) |
Searle, John | Consciousness |
Searle, John | Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence |
Searle, John | Minds, Brains, and Programs |
Settle, et al. | Friendships Moderate ... Political Ideology |
Shannon, Claude | A Mathematical Theory of Communication |
Shi, et al. | Human Torpor: Translating Insights ... Manned Deep Space Expedition |
Shiichan | Argument for Anonymity |
Shirky, Clay | A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy |
Singer & Brooking | LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media |
Sinhababu, Neil | Possible Girls |
Slate Star Codex | Every Bay Area House Party |
Slate Star Codex | Sort By Controversial |
Smith, Adam | The Wealth of Nations |
Smullyan, Raymond M. | What Is the Name of This Book? |
Snax | Relata |
Snax | The Inimical |
Snowden, Edward | Permanent Record |
Soddy, Frederick | Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt |
Solana, Mike | One Party State |
Solana, Mike | The Fifth Estate |
Speck, Jeff | 4 Ways to Make a City More Walkable |
Spikic, et al. | ... Personalities of Ex-Spouse and New Partner After Divorce |
Srnicek and Williams | Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work |
Stallman, Richard | The Right to Read |
Stephenson, Neal | Anathem |
Stephenson, Neal | Snow Crash |
Straughan, Karen | Are Men Obsolete? |
St. Clair, John | Triangular Spacecraft |
Suler, John | Psychology of the Digital Age: Humans Become Electric |
Suler, John | The Online Disinhibition Effect |
Tao, Terence | Structure and Randomness in the Prime Numbers |
Tao, Terence | The Cosmic Distance Ladder |
Tarsney & Wilkinson | Longtermism in an Infinite World |
Tez, Riva-Melissa | Land of the Free? |
Thaler & Sunstein | Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness |
Thiel, Peter | The Optimistic Thought Experiment |
Thompson, Ken | Brian Kernighan Interviews Ken Thompson |
Thomson, Judy Jarvis | A Defense of Abortion |
Thomson, Judy Jarvis | Killing, Letting Die, and the Trolley Problem |
Thomson, Judy Jarvis | The Right to Privacy |
Thornhill & Gangestad | The Scent of Symmetry: A Human Sex Pheromone that Signals Fitness? |
Tilly, Ben | Analysis vs Algebra Predicts Eating Corn? |
Tivy, Wolf | Quit Your Job |
Trillin, Calvin | Florida Woman Bites Camel |
Tsunetomo, Yamamoto | Hagakure |
Tyson, Neil deGrasse | Reflections on the Color of My Skin |
Tyson, Neil deGrasse | The Future of Colonizing Space |
Ucar, Hamdi | Polarity Free Magnetic Repulsion and Magnetic Bound State |
Veiga Beltrame, Eduardo | Interoperability Rant |
Victoria, Brian | Zen at War |
Vinge, Vernor | The Coming Technological Singularity |
Vonnegut, Kurt | 2 B R 0 2 B |
Vonnegut, Kurt | Harrison Bergeron |
Wallach & Allen | Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong |
Walkden, Nick | Plasma and Plasma Physics |
Warburton, Nigel | The Real Adam Smith |
Wei, Eugene | Status as a Service (StaaS) |
Wiesner & Ladyman | Measuring Complexity |
White, et al. | Worldline Numerics ... Intersection With Alcubierre Warp Metric |
Will, Brian | Object-Oriented Programming is Bad (+) |
Wilson, Cody | COVID-911 |
Wilson, Cody | Crypto-Anarchy Lecture at UofT (and part 2) |
Wilson, Cody | Silicon Valley Struggle Sessions |
Wilson, Dominica | Post-Political: A Speech |
Wittgenstein | Philosophical Investigations |
Wittgenstein | Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus |
Wolfram, Stephen | What's Really Going On in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models |
Woolcock, Nicola | Some Primary School Pupils Unable to Say their Names |
W.T. | The Paedomorphs |
W.T. | The Retard |
Yergin, Stanislaw | The Commanding Heights |
Yudkowsky, Eliezer | The Fun Theory Sequence |
Yusuf, Mahdi | Things You Should Know About Databases |
Ziai, Reza | What You’re Attracted to Isn’t “Socially Constructed” |
Zinn, Howard | A People's History of the United States |
Žižek, Slavoj | First as Tragedy, Then as Farce |
Žižek, Slavoj | The Sublime Object of Ideology |
Žižek, Slavoj | Violence: Six Sideways Reflections |
Žižek, Slavoj | Žižek's Jokes |