SNERX.COM/SORTS  Last Updated 2024/10/11 • Read Time 3min • Discord

This page is a work-in-progress of knowledge trees arranged in order of historical context. This page is currently very underdeveloped and a lot more will be added to this page over time.

Knowledge Trees

Despite the annoying advertising, Brilliant is probably the best way to self-edify. Past that, you can get postgraduate degrees for really cheap with international online universities like TECH. If you have ideas you think are really worth applying to world, you may be able to get grants for them with things like Emergent Ventures or other niche grants.

Nuclide progression in particle physics gives lots of insights to the kinds of elements that exist in the universe.

I am trying to add full knowledge trees showing every relevant idea in the development of major fields of study utilizing lots of visual aids like histography and to help people learn the topic as they go through the tree, but it will be some time before the trees are added to this page.
I might also include work from things like our QMOC project.

Future History

Long Bets is the prediction site for the Long Now Foundation; it's used by many futurists and philosophers and is useful in seeing how horrible they are at predicting the future.
The Next Century of Computing by Charles Rosenbauer is interesting despite not being very accurate.
Our /engineering page discusses some solutions for long-term data storage and computing but tools like PanLex and LOCKSS are also worth exploring.